leave a legacy you’re kids will be proud of

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the absence of men is causing a crisis in america

1 in 4 children live in a home without a father. 50% of marriages end in divorce and many of the men who are at home are just drifting through life. Something must change. Its time for men to step up, take action and start living a life of purpose.


heroes aren’t born. they’re made.

As a man you are not taught how to be a father, or a husband. Its just supposed to come natural right? You might be surprised to find out that, like anything else, being the husband and father you are meant to be is a skill that takes consistent practice and effort.

the vision

walking alongside other men.
building stronger families.
becoming the heroes we’re meant to be


refuse to be ordinary

“The Definition of Hell is Lying on Your Deathbed and Meeting the Man You Could Have Been”

Apart from my faith, my family is most important in my life. Yet when it came to my marriage and my relationship with my kids I was settling for just “good”. I was drifting. The connection with my wife wasn’t where I wanted it to be. Spending time with my kids looked less like having fun and being present and more like checking off a box.

Then one day I realized that I could do better. I started putting in the work to create epic moments with my kids and build a better connection with my wife. I feel God’s calling on my life to share my story with other men who may have experienced some of the same challenges. That’s why I’m here. What I tend to dwell on the most is ensuring that when I look back on my life I don’t have any regrets.

I understand that being the hero God has designed me to be for my family is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s going to be a lifelong journey. There has been plenty of ups and downs, but learning the skills to create those moments and build epic connections has been a game-changer. For me, being a great man isn’t about perfection. Rather, its about love, dedication and patience. I would love for you to walk alongside me as I share the lessons I’m discovering through self-reflection, the skills I’m learning by putting in the work and the connections I’m creating by being fully present.

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    Ready to go all-in on being the hero you were meant to be for your family? Follow me for some helpful tips as you begin this journey. Plus you’ll get to see how I survive life with 3 wild and crazy toddlers!



    Want to learn the skills you’ll need to truly be present with your kids or build a better connection with your wife? Sign up now and get them sent right to your inbox.


    Being the dad you want to be takes effort. Don’t walk this journey alone. Send a message just to say hello, ask a question or share something that you’d like to see in my next blog post.