a Dads Guide for Being Present With Your Kids
Why You Shouldn’t Rush Your Kid’s Bedtime Routine
Your kid’s bedtime routine can be stressful. Learn why you shouldn’t rush it and how bedtime can be more enjoyable for you and your kids.
Improve The Connection With Your Kids By Trading Expectations for Appreciation
Strengthen the relationship that you have with your kids by trading your expectations for appreciation. Learn how you can enjoy life as it happens rather than trying to force it to meet your desired outcome.
Leave A Powerful Legacy By Refusing to be an ordinary dad
Ordinary dads create mediocre moments and raise mediocre kids. Learn how you can move past ordinary and leave a legacy your kids will be proud of.
Why Writing Your Own Eulogy Makes You a Better Dad
Writing your own eulogy forces you to think about how you want your kids to remember you when you’re gone. It will make you a better dad today by shining a light on areas of your life that need improvement.
Turn Loose The Man You’re Truly Meant To Be by starving Your safety monster
There is a safety monster inside every man. Its sole purpose is to prevent you from growing by keeping you comfortable and discouraging you from thinking differently. Learn how you can starve the safety monster inside of you and turn loose the man you are truly meant to be.
Build Radical Self Confidence By Learning To Silence The Noise In Your Life
Take the step to start silencing the noise in your life. Eliminating distractions from technology will put you right on track to build the radical self-confidence you need. It’s time to beat back the content junkie that lives inside of you, walk with confidence and embrace the hero that you discover along the journey.
How Dads Can Prioritize Exercise Without Sacrificing Time With Their Kids
For dads, treating your body the right way is important. Your family needs you to live each day as the best version of yourself. It’s absolutely possible to take care of your body by prioritizing exercise while also spending time with your kids, and here’s how.